The Busker (Tone Deaf), 60x40”, oil on canvas, 2018. Available 

En Plein Air, 60x40," oil on canvas, 2022. SOLD

The Songwriter, 52x30, oil on linen, 2018. SOLD

The Fan, 30x40," oil on linen, 2012. First Honorable mention, 2013 Expressions Portrait Competition, Herndon, VA, 2013. Private Collection

After the Gig, oil on canvas 36x24, oil on canvas, 2008. SOLD

Rush Hour, 24x24, oil on linen, 2014. Purchased by the Writers' Center in Bethesda, MD.

On the Red Line, 33x31, oil on canvas, 2010. Available

The Lovers, 18x24, oil on linen, 2016. SOLD

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